Civil Litigation
At some point in our lives, many of us will find ourselves having to pursue or defend a civil lawsuit of some description. These can take many forms but will often relate to a claim for the recovery of money or property. Other areas of civil law include family law, real estate law, commercial law, personal injury law, immigration law and many more besides.
If you find yourself embroiled in a lawsuit, the experience can be unsettling, to say the least. It can be difficult to make an objective assessment of your own situation at what is probably a frightening and stressful time. It’s important to hire a competent and understanding lawyer, such as Paul J. Daffern, who can handle the important aspects of your case and make sure that any actions taken by the other party are met with an appropriate and timely response.
It is always worth exploring the possibility of a negotiated settlement. In many cases, particularly when the other party is a partner or ex-partner, they may have begun a legal action for reasons that have as much to do with emotion as with legal necessity. Mediation can help to bring matters to a conclusion that saves both sides from further upset.
If there is no hope that negotiation will produce a satisfactory result, then you can rely on Paul J. Daffern to fight for you in court and make sure that your interests are protected.